Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gypsy Psychic Scams

I just finished reading stories on a site that "outs" scam artist psychics... aka "gypsy psychics".

While I do feel sympathetic for those who "lost" money to an extent, one story I read told about a guy who gave more than $50,000 to  so called psychics, over the period of 9 years. In this story, he talked about how he kept feeling, in his gut, that it was wrong. He said himself that nothing ever seemed to get better.

OK. Am I crazy? WHY on Earth, would you give SOO much money away to someone, when you constantly see NO positive changes and you "feel, in your gut" that you are being ripped off?

The story talked about the gypsy(s) mentioning "God" and "Jesus" at every turn. This is what made the guy feel like the different "psychics" he went to were legit ((yes, he went back for more, and to her "sisters" for more help when her "help" didn't seem to work)). It made him feel it was more legit, because "the spirits told her" that he needed to "sacrifice" large sums of money, so God would know he was serious.


First, for someone to profess that "God" told them something.... that's pretty bold!
Well, God DOES talk to me, and He said for me to tell the world to STOP BEING SO DENSE!
He told me to tell ya'll that He "ONLY TALKS TO PEOPLE DIRECTLY". He "does not need humans" to convey His messages, Damn It! And the so-called "good book"...well that is all screwed up too. It has ALL been a HUGE misunderstanding that bad men have taken over for their OWN GAINS!! That is STRAIGHT from God!

No, your preacher, priest, guru, psychic (or whatever) does NOT have a "special line" to Him. It is the same line we ALL have, silly people!!

No, your preacher, priest, guru, psychic (or whatever) does NOT have "super powers" any more than YOU DO.

What DO we know?

Positive thoughts, and the way you perceive the world around you, greatly affects your life. For example, when my grandfather died, many were devastated that he was now "gone". After taking care of him, 24/7, for the last three months of his life, I knew he had been trapped in a body that was exhausted and broken. He was a prisoner of a mind that sent him all kinds of crazy, mixed up memories and messages. He was gone for at least two of those three months, and by "gone" I really mean trapped. The death of his body was a freeing...a release. He is now free to exist without pain, without confusion, and with peace.
So, I was not as sad as others. I was sad because I missed my healthy, happy Grandfather, but that was not as big as my sense of his being released from the pain and confusion he knew in his last months.

And I believe his passing made it so he can be with me all the time now.
I don't CARE if you think I am crazy. I feel loved ones who have passed. It is subtle, quiet...peaceful. When you think of them, they are with you.

When I ask for a sign about a decision I need to make, and look up to see something that was significant to my Grandfather, or Grandmother, or other loved one or friend who's passed, with a clear indication of what I should do, you can't ever convince me that it wasn't a sign from them. I don't care about your skepticism.

I believe that passing over, leaving our bodies here on this little blue and green planet, is only the beginning of something we cannot even fathom. There aren't words to explain realms of existence we couldn't understand, being held captive by our tiny little brains. Our brains are the physical world's mental cage...why else would people strive for "astral projection" and the like?

So see, it is in how you look at it.

My great Grandfather told me that if I didn't like how things looked, either change things or change my viewpoint. If you cannot change something, change how you think about it. THAT is the key to happiness!

That is manifesting thought.

So, back to those "psychics"...
You can go visit them and be taken, making them more wealthy. You can go and have them send you home with an inexpensive candle and a red ribbon to tie around your wrist to remember to manifest what it is you want. You can pay them $200, $500, $9,990, or $50,000.
OR, you can do this Ritual (below) and send ME the money. I won't lie to you and tell you it's for God, or that I won't use it myself. Most likely it will be used for good, because I don't like to spend money on bad things or people. But it will be for ME, a child of it would be for God anyway, right?

Do a little research on candle colors ("colors and their meanings" in google or bing), or just "go with your gut".
Pick a color that has meaning for you, and buy a candle. I like to use the 7 day glass candles, often found in Latin markets, but use what YOU feel strongest about. Relax, it will come to you!
"Spell" out (this is where the word "spell" came from, btw) exactly what you'd like to have happen (WARNING: Do not try to effect others, only yourself!! ~karma~)
Write down, on a little slip of paper (can also be colorful if it makes it more meaningful for YOU), what you want or want to get rid of.
Check the phase of the Moon: you'll want the waning moon for getting rid of something, and the waxing moon for building or gains.
   Wait until the time is right, or just do your ritual when YOU feel it will be most powerful.
Settle in a happy, clean-feeling space where you can complete the whole ritual, and where you won't be interrupted.
State out loud that you are only intending outcome that want no harm for yourself or others (remember KARMA), and the greatest good for the greatest cause, God (or Universal Energy, or whatever YOU call It) WILLING.
State out loud, that negative energies are NOT allowed to be a part of your Ritual. Say this with POWER and CONFIDENCE (and in your own words, clear and to the point).
Light the candle, while INTENDING the purpose you chose.
Ask for what you want to come to you, or for what you want to clear away. Don't forget "Please", and God WILLING (or however you say it).
Meditate (relax, breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth, try to focus only on your breath) and just KNOW it will happen. Just KNOW.

Light the paper you wrote your wish on, and let it burn away, releasing your request to the Universe (or God, or whatever word you use).

Now let it go. Forget about it.

Place the candle in a safe place, allow it to burn out completely (if you want to be safe, or cannot have a candle burning for a long time, try using a tea light or other small candle.)
You can tie a ribbon or yarn (of the significant color you chose) around your wrist if you feel it will help you manifest, but remember to let it go, out into the Universe (I don't personally use the reminder, how can it be "let go of" if you keep thinking about it?)

There's your $50,000 ritual. You can send me all the money, minus the cost of the candle and ribbon, if you don't think it will work without sending the money, but the only payment I really ask, is that you pay/play it forward. No chain letters, no scams, just share it FOR FREE, no consequences for not doing it.

Find that quiet, peaceful voice inside...the one you say you "should have listened to". For me, it is very very subtle...very quiet.(( That's why MY rituals are as simple as possible. If I "try too hard", it always backfires!)) Find that quiet, peaceful inner voice that tells you what is really right and wrong, and build a relationship with THAT voice. That is your intuition...your own personal “Voice of God”.
And again, remember KARMA!
And don't fall for the "God told me so" scams.... don't let others eavesdrop on your conversations with Universal Life Energy/God/Deity/Goddess...or whatever YOU call it!

Isn't Spirituality between YOU and GOD anyway? Isn't it about YOUR connection to Spirit?

I pray that Everyone's Intuition is awakened, and that folks learn to LISTEN to it.
That is the TRUE Voice of God!